Have You Ever Felt Inadequate Around People Who Are Hurting?

Of course, you have. We all have experienced the awkwardness of not knowing what to say or do when we see someone who is suffering...strangers, neighbors, friends, and even family.

Maybe it's a conflict with your spouse, child, friend, or co-worker. Or your neighbor just lost their son. You see them in the yard and you want to be compassionate but you don't know how to engage with them in a way that would be helpful...Ugh...FEAR!

Take the Awareness Quiz, be honest, and see for yourself how inadequate you are at helping people in pain.

Our Course Can Help You!

We have created a course that will teach you an amazing way to engage with hurting people and bring healing to their souls.

If you need help mending a broken relationship, engaging with a grieving person, or helping rescue someone who is hurting...

Click Here To Enroll In This Course

It Will Empower You to Run Towards Broken People...Not Away From Them

This course is a continuation of the book


and a deep dive into the Steps of Living-Connected in a way that heals the hurting soul.

You can buy the book or Kindle version on Amazon by clicking here or the book cover to the right.

Curriculum Overview

  Live-Connected: Learning to Respond to Hurting People in a Way That Heals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 1: Living-Connected: The “Why” and the “How”
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: The Steps of Living-Connected
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 1: Be Others Focused & Available
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 2: Be Present and Listen- The Ministry of Presence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 3: Be Curious and Interested
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 4 : Be Empathetic and Compassionate
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 5 : Be Encouraging & Hopeful
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step 6: Connecting to God The Ultimate Healer
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Summary and Action Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll
WOW! An incredible read and encouragement to Living-Connected!

Russ Landreth

A Paradigm Shift For Me

These six steps of living-connected have changed the way I listened to people. I realize now that I have almost always listened with the intent to reply or reacted to what was said.

Now I can listen with the intent to understand!

What an amazing paradigm shift for me! It has totally changed the way I interact with people...especially people who are hurting.

Thank God and thank you for this book and course!


Listening is About Being Present. It is a Sacrificial Gift That We Can All Give

I became more fully alert to this while reading Love-Connects. Just pages into the book I realized that I often approach relationships with an agenda - a task in mind as to what I want to accomplish.

I want to re-think that moving forward. I hope to be open when I meet with people in order to hear their stories and connect in a way that benefits the other person.

This will be a difficult book for some readers because it requires being present to hear other peoples' stories. Being present is sacrificial, which means giving something away. For me, I had to give away the priority of focusing on my own story in order to hear the message in this book.

Roland Allen

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